Why hello there! Yes we are still alive and well. It has been been many months since my last post, but oh well. We have been busy living, so while the occasional pang of guilt for not posting has occurred, I shan't apologise for enjoying life offline.
Being now in my ninth month of pregnancy brings much anticipation, excitement and wonder, as well as apprehension, nervousness and a wee bit of impatience. Thankfully my journey has been incredibly smooth so far, without morning sickness, sleepless nights or cravings. To be honest though, I was secretly looking forward to having cravings, maybe next time around ;).
It has been a lovely mystery not knowing the gender, albeit challenging at times, like when I'm out shopping and see the tiny skirts and bonnets on sale! But I must admit we have enjoyed watching people guess, based on my eating habits, how I'm carrying, the strength of my pulse and other seemingly absurd methods. Time will surely tell.
Nevertheless to say we are both so thrilled and cannot wait to meet this wee babe when he/she decides to arrive.