November 21, 2011

Early Riser?

I am not a morning person. As much as I love the idea of getting up with the sun, my brain hasn’t yet convinced my body to put this idea into action. Rather, I push the snooze button every 5 minutes until it gets to the point where, any longer, I would be running late for work.
Unfortunately for me, Mr B. is not a morning person either (who ever said opposites attract, anyway?), which means both of us struggle to find the motivation to make the other our morning hot drink when all we want to do is sleep ::sigh::

This morning was different as Bardoe had an early bus to catch to go to a conference out of town, so we were both up 2 hours before usual (though not without difficulty).

That is how I came to be awake and ready at 7am when the most unusual thing happened – I had all this spare time on my hands before I had to be out the door. What to do? Well I made a hot breakfast (normally a weekend treat) and then straightened my hair. Voila les resultats!

1 comment:

  1. I don't really wake up early in the morning either, but I am trying to change that :)
