March 04, 2013

...And we're back!

Hello blogging world! After a long hiatus of postlessness the urge to return to blogging has been stealthily creeping up on me, not unlike a jaguar silently stalking its prey until WHAMM it pounces on you unawares and it's all you can do not to succumb. Golly how does one even begin to write the elephant that is a year of happenings? We travelled to three countries on three separate occasions, celebrated a Quarter Century and five years together, drove to the northmost point of the country and watched a glorious sunset, bought a wee house in the suburbs and waved goodbye to apartment living (a little reluctantly at first but we are the better for it), and ate a whole lot of pizza. The pizza part happened primarily in the latter months due to our discovery of The Best Pizza In Town but, and this is just between you and me, it is possible we ate a year's worth of pizza over that period, so I think I can justify adding it to the list. Sadly the owner decided to close shop recently (waistlineS, you will thank us llater), so here's to a year of homemade pizzas, attempts to garden, and more frequent posting. Cheers.

Disclaimer: I did not have a crazy moment and cut all my hair off, this day was just ferociously windy so my hair was safely tucked under to avoid spending hours brushing out the knots.  :)

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